• 781-721-7800

Winchester’s Premier Recycling Service

Winchester Rubbish & Recycling

A division of G.R. Nowell & Son, Inc.
Family Owned and Operated for almost 100 years.
Online Payments Learn about Recycling


Our Online Payment Policy:  Online payments are non refundable.  Please contact our office with any questions/disputes prior to submitting an online payment.

To access our online payment system, use the check box below and be sure to click View Payment Link.

Online Payments

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Subscribe to our new email service! Emails will include schedule changes and customer notifications.


Note: We will never sell our email list – it is for communication purposes only.

Daily News & Updates

Holiday Schedule Alert:

Presidents’ Day on 1/17/25:

In observance of the Presidents’ Day Holiday, we will NOT be picking up residential trash/recycling on Monday, February 17, 2025 and our office will be closed. Instead, we will pick up your regularly scheduled trash/recyclables on Tuesday 2/18/25 (along with our regular scheduled Tuesday pick ups). This holiday will not effect our service schedule for any other days this week (everyone else is on their regular schedule, including Tuesday trash pick ups).

Note: We WILL be providing removal services for our food service-industry, commercial customers ONLY with a pick up on Monday (Presidents’ Day).

Please have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend. Thank you all for your continued patronage!

In May 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 49.61 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In April 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 43.41 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In March 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 41.25 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In February 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 36.29 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In January 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 46.57 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!


2023 Yearly Recycling Totals:  We are proud to announce that in 2023, we recycled 499.36 tons of single stream recyclables!!! That is an increase of 18.07 tons from the previous year.

Holiday Schedule Alert:

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on 1/20/25 –

In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, and also due to the snow that has been forecast for Sunday evening, we will NOT be picking up residential trash/recycling on Monday, January 20, 2025 and our office will be closed. Instead, we will pick up your trash/recyclables on Tuesday 1/21/25 (along with our regular scheduled Tuesday pick ups). This holiday will not effect our service schedule for any other days this week (everyone else is on their regular schedule, including Tuesday trash pick ups).

Note: We WILL be providing service for our food service-industry, commercial customers only on MLK Day/Monday 1/20/25.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.


In May 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 49.61 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In April 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 43.41 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In March 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 41.25 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In February 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 36.29 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In January 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 46.57 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!


2023 Yearly Recycling Totals:  We are proud to announce that in 2023, we recycled 499.36 tons of single stream recyclables!!! That is an increase of 18.07 tons from the previous year.

Holiday Schedule Alert:

Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday on 1/20/25 –

In observance of the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday, and also due to the snow that has been forecast for Sunday evening, we will NOT be picking up residential trash/recycling on Monday, January 20, 2025 and our office will be closed. Instead, we will pick up your trash/recyclables on Tuesday 1/21/25 (along with our regular scheduled Tuesday pick ups). This holiday will not effect our service schedule for any other days this week (everyone else is on their regular schedule, including Tuesday trash pick ups).

Note: We WILL be providing service for our food service-industry, commercial customers only on MLK Day/Monday 1/20/25.

Have a wonderful holiday weekend.


In May 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 49.61 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In April 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 43.41 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In March 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 41.25 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In February 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 36.29 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!
In January 2024, thanks to our wonderful customers, we recycled 46.57 tons of single stream recyclables!  Let’s keep it going everyone!


2023 Yearly Recycling Totals:  We are proud to announce that in 2023, we recycled 499.36 tons of single stream recyclables!!! That is an increase of 18.07 tons from the previous year.


About Us

Winchester Rubbish Removal & Recycling is a small, family owned and operated company located in Winchester, MA. We specialize in providing dependable refuse/recycling removal solutions to residential and commercial customers, throughout the greater Boston area. We are a division of G.R. Nowell & Son, Inc. and we have been in business nearly one hundred years, spanning five generations!!!  We are the premier residential recycling and waste hauling service in Winchester, MA.

The keys to our longevity are simple; hard work, honesty and reliability.

George Nowell, Sr.
George is currently the President of Winchester Rubbish Removal & Recycling and G.R. Nowell & Son, Inc. He is a third generation small business owner with has over fifty years of experience in the refuse removal industry. George has many fond childhood memories of driving in the trucks with his own grandfather. He takes a great deal of pride in the companies’ growth and development throughout the years.

George attended Boston University before enlisting in the United States Marine Corps in 1964. He proudly served his country as a reservist for six years. George’s life experiences have proved a tremendous asset to the challenges of owning a small business.

George is a lifelong resident of Winchester, MA, where he currently resides with his wife, Judy and their granddaughter, Amanda. He is most proud of his children Beth, George, Jr., Debbie, Dauren, Katie and Kristine, all of whom graduated from college and live locally. George enjoys spending time in Gloucester, MA with family, especially his grandchildren. He enjoys boating and is an avid fisherman. George is also a longtime Town Meeting Member.

George Nowell, Jr.
George grew up in Winchester, MA. He is currently the Vice-President of Winchester Rubbish Removal and G.R. Nowell & Son, Inc. George is a fourth generation small business owner and he has been involved in the family business for as long as he can remember. During this tenure, he has worked at every possible position and worn many “proverbial hats of responsibility” within the company.

George graduated from Curry College in 1991 with a B.A. in Business Management, English Writing Minor. He is also a member of the Curry College Athletic Hall of Fame, having been inducted in 2005, for the sports of football and lacrosse. George also received the prestigious “O’Connor Award” from Curry College in 2005, which recognizes outstanding achievement from a football alumnus.

George and his wife, Deneen and their two sons currently reside in Winchester, MA. George most enjoys spending time with his family. He is also very involved with the youth organizations, Winchester Pop Warner and Winchester Sachem Youth Lacrosse. George is a longtime Town Meeting Member and a member of William Parkman Lodge AF&AM




Primarily in Winchester, we provide weekly rubbish removal and recycling removal services to our residential customers. We pick-up single and multi-unit dwellings, including condominium complexes and apartment buildings.

Our weekly service includes a separate pickup for recyclables and non-recyclables. Trash and recyclables are picked up separately to help ensure that all your items are properly recycled. We specialize in catering our services to each individual customer.

We do not limit our services to curbside removal. Instead, we work with customers to find a convenient and accessible location that minimizes their efforts and frustration – let us do the dirty work.

Contact Us to learn more or to setup your service. Click here to fill out our form or call 781-721-7800 if you need assistance right away.

5 Easy Steps To Residential Service

1. Set up residential service via our convenient website or through our fully staffed office.
2. Based on your street location, we will let you know your pick-up day(s). Barring holidays, this is always your pick-up day(s).
3. On your scheduled pick-up day, please have your rubbish/recycling ready and accessible by 8:00 AM. Recyclables and non-recyclables should be separated and recyclables should be clearly labeled.
4. Pick-ups will occur throughout the day. Customers are free to use their own 30-65 gallon containers/barrels. After we have emptied your refuse, we will place your containers back in their original location.
5. Customers will be sent a monthly bill or they can pay ahead and take advantage of our “Early Payment” discounts. Customers may also make monthly payments, automatically by credit card.

– For convenience, we provide single stream recycling service.
– We are flexible and we accommodate extra pick-up requests/changes due to vacations, etc.
– We typically pick-up the day after major holidays or occasionally the day before.
– Please inquire about our “Early Payment” discount plan.

Weekly customers, please have your rubbish/recyclables ready and accessible by 8:00 AM on your collection day(s). Please do not leave anything that you do not wish to be removed within five yards of your rubbish/recycling containers.



We also provide rubbish removal and recycling services to our commercial customers. Our clientele includes, restaurants, banks, shops, office buildings and medical/dental practices.

We customize our services to fit each individual business and determine exactly how many pick-ups per week are needed. We strive toward maximizing savings through efficiency.

Contact Us to learn more or to setup your service. Click here to fill out our form or call 781-721-7800 if you need assistance right away.


One-Time Pickup

We also offer a wide variety of one-time removal services, throughout the greater Boston area. We provide full or partial clean-outs of houses, apartments, businesses and warehouses – let us help you to get rid of your old junk and clutter.

Doing a construction project? We will gladly remove and dispose of all building/construction debris – including wood, plaster, shingles/roofing materials and scrap metal. We also remove brush, tree limbs and yard debris.

Having trouble disposing of old television sets, computers monitors, tires or old mattresses? No problem, we can easily remove and dispose.

We have been doing this for eighty years and we have seen everything! There is no job too big or small. We offer reasonable prices for all our one-time work and we always use our own full time, experienced employees.

We are always reliable and we can often accommodate same day requests.


Contact Us to learn more or to setup your service. Click here to fill out our form or call 781-721-7800 if you need assistance right away.




Winchester’s Premier Recycling Service

Winchester Rubbish Removal & Recycling is the premier recycler in Winchester, MA.  We set this gold standard because we understand that recycling is very important to our wonderfully intelligent customers dedicated to making a difference in this word.  We try our absolute hardest NEVER to mix rubbish/trash with recyclables on the same truck.  “There is no quick fix – DO NOT MIX!”  For weekly residential waste removal services, we come once per week for trash; and once per week for recyclables.  We pride ourselves on recycling properly and honestly.  By offering single stream recycling (see below) our goal is to make it easy to dispose of recyclables in the most responsible way possible.  To be transparent, we even post our monthly recycling totals on our website.

Single Stream Recycling

In an effort to encourage increased recycling by eliminating the inconvenient process of separating your recyclables into several different commodities, we are proud to provide our single stream recycling service to all our customers.

Contact Us to learn more or to setup your service. Click here to fill out our form.

What is Single Stream(Zero Sort) Recycling?
Single Stream (also known as “Zero-Sort) recycling refers to a system in which all paper fibers and recyclable containers are mixed together in our collection trucks, instead of being sorted into separate commodities (newspaper, cardboard, plastic, glass etc.) by our customers and handled separately throughout the collection process. In single stream, both the collection and processing systems must be designed to handle this fully commingled mixture of recyclables.

Our rubbish and recycling services typically provides separate pick up for your trash and recyclables – we try our best not to mix recyclables and non-recyclables.

At the FCR facility, your recyclables, are dumped by trucks into piles. Piles are transferred onto conveyor belts, where they are sorted- by machines or by hand and then moved on to crushers and compactors. Once baled or bound, they are stacked and prepared for shipping. FCR, a North Carolina-based company that designs, builds and operates recycling facilities in 14 states, is owned by Casella Waste Systems, a publicly-traded national corporation headquartered in Vermont.

How do I know my recyclables are actually being recycled? Watch this video to learn more.

Recycling Totals

Our 2019 recycling totals are in! In 2019, with your help, we recycled 395.67 tons of single stream recyclables. That is an increase of 5.59 tons from 2018!

Our 2020 recycling totals are in!  In 2020, with your help, we recycled 438.81 tons of single stream recyclables.  That is an increase of 43.14 tons from 2019!

Our 2021 recycling totals are in!  In 2021, with your help, we recycled 463.89 tons of single stream recyclables.  That is an increase of 25.08 tons from 2020!

Our 2022 recycling totals are in!  In 2021, with your help, we recycled 481.29 tons of single stream recyclables.  That is an increase of 17.40 tons from 2021!

Our 2023 recycling totals are in!  In 2023, with your help, we recycled 499.36 tons of single stream recyclables.  That is an increase of 18.07 tons from 2022!

2024  Total of Single Stream Recycling by Month (in tons)

January 2024:  46.57

February 2024:  36.29

March 2024:  41.25

April 2024:  43.41

May 2024:  49.61


2023  Total of Single Stream Recycling by Month (in tons)

January 2023:  52.52

February 2023:  30.22

March 2023:  39.87

April 2023:  34.96

May 2023:  42.04

June 2023:  39.84

July 2023:  35.94

August 2023:  37.33

September 2023:  45.0

October 2023:  43.58

November 2023:  44.99

December 2023: 53.07

Total 2023: 499.36                                                                                                                                                                                       

2022  Total of Single Stream Recycling by Month (in tons)

January 2022:  39.40

February 2022:  37.08

March 2022:  33.71

April 2022:  37.99

May 2022:  38.75

June 2022:  48.12

July 2022:  32.40

August 2022:  34.68

September 2022:  43.10

October 2022: 39.28

November 2022: 43.26

December: 53.52

Total 2022: 481.29


2021  Total of Single Stream Recycling by Month (in tons)       

2020  Total of Single Stream Recycling (in tons)


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